South Oakleigh College is highly committed to providing students with access to relevant, timely and reliable careers information and counselling. The focus is to provide, wherever possible, a tailored program to suit individual needs. The College aims to be both flexible and willing to investigate any opportunities that benefit our students.
Our Careers & Pathways
The Careers and Pathways Advisor is responsible for careers and course counselling, maintaining a library of relevant material for student use and assisting in the placement of VCE and VM students in relevant courses. The process is aimed at providing students with all the relevant information and allowing them to make informed choices about their lives. The Careers and Pathway Advisor is also responsible for liaising with the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre and in-servicing students on procedures for applying for tertiary courses and how the ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) is used in this process.
Students move through many different phases as part of their career journey from Year 7 – 12. Year 7-8 comprises the ‘I discover’ and ‘I explore’ areas where students start to think more about their interests, values, strengths, areas of improvement and achievements and how these might relate to a future career or further study. In Year 9 students look at the ‘I focus’ area where they complete the My Career Insights program to get a deeper picture of who they are as individuals and the careers and jobs that might align with their aptitudes, and how to select subjects that will help them reach their career goals.
Year 10 students embark on a week of work experience where they are able to trial a career of interest through real life, on the job experience with help from the careers advisor. Year 11 and 12 are important years where students apply the career learning and planning they have done in the years prior and start to make decisions around what their post secondary years will look like. These years involve one on one discussions with the career advisor and support and guidance around pathway options, University and TAFE applications through VTAC, VCE and Career expos and open day opportunities, scholarship information and GAP year opportunities. There are many stages to a students’ career journey and South Oakleigh College is committed to ensuring students are supported every step of the way.
Useful Links
Career Planning, Approaches to Study, Writing Resumes & Life After School:
- South Oakleigh College Careers: southoakleighcollegecareers.com
- My Resume: http://www.myresume.com.au/
- Myfuture: Information about occupations, industries, videos, scholarships, courses etc – myfuture.edu.au/
- Victoria Youth Central: This site has heaps of information on careers, study planning, apprenticeships and more – youthcentral.vic.gov.au/
- Indigenous Jobs: http://www.indigenousjobsaustralia.com.au/
- Job Guide: https://www.gooduniversitiesguide.com.au/careers-guide
Subject Selection, Planning for Higher Education:
- Good University Guide: http://www.gooduniguide.com.au
- VCE Subject Help: Tips and advice to assist you in selecting your VCE subjects and future prospects – https://www.rmit.edu.au/school-leaver/how-to-choose-your-vce-subjects
- VTAC Course Search: Search through multiple universities and courses all in one easy to use search engine – https://delta.vtac.edu.au/CourseSearch/searchguide.htm
Year 9 & 10, 11, 12 Course Confirmation
Students will receive confirmation of their 2024 subjects and electives, as per Online Counselling session conducted in August.
If a student wishes to make a chance to their learning program, please contact the College to arrange an appointment to discuss further by Monday 13 November 2023.
Students may be called from class to attend their scheduled appointment with a Course Counsellor between Tuesday 21 November and Thursday 23 November 2023.
Please complete the below online form and return any required documentation to the front office either physically or via email: 8801-courseconfirmation@schools.vic.edu.au.
Please refer to the year level of the students 2024 year.
Please complete the required online form listed below and return any required documentation to the front office either physically or via email: 8801-courseconfirmation@schools.vic.edu.au by Friday 1 December.
Forms to be Completed | Due By |
Sports & Excursion Permission Form | Friday 1 December |
Student Image Consent Form | Friday 1 December |
CSEF Form (for families with an eligible concession card) | Friday 1 December |
Please complete the required online form listed below and return any required documentation to the front office either physically or via email: 8801-courseconfirmation@schools.vic.edu.au by Friday 17 November.
Forms to be Completed | Due By |
Senior School Policy Statement
| Friday 17 November |
Sport & Excursion Permission Form | Friday 17 November |
Student Image Consent Form | Friday 17 November |
CSEF Forms (for families with an eligible concession card) | Friday 17 November |